Will you make these 5 mistakes when installing solar?

On a beautiful late spring afternoon ten years ago, two young men bought their first home on the same street.

These two men were as alike as two neighbors could be.

Both filled with the pride of being a homeowner.

Both eager to start building the life of their dreams.

Both focused on creating a stable, love-filled home in an increasingly unstable world.

Recently, these men decided to install solar.

They were still very much alike.

Both were happily married.

Both had three children.

And both, it turned out, had enough of the relentless increase in their energy bills.

Enough of not knowing what new war or natural disaster might send their cost of living soaring.

Enough of seeing their money line the pockets of greedy energy execs.

Both wanted to create a cleaner, more sustainable future for their children.

But they had very different solar experiences.

For Peter, it was a fairly straightforward process from start to finish.

For David, on the other hand, it was one thing after another, none of them good.

Each of them adding a few grey hairs to his head.

Eating up his time, his energy, and his money.

Time and energy he could have spent with his friends and family.

Money that could have gone towards continuing to build the life of his dreams.

What Made the Difference?

Have you ever wondered, as I have, why some home improvement projects go well and others are a disaster?

It isn’t bad luck.

It isn’t how much money is spent.

It isn’t that one person cares more about the project’s success.

The difference lies in what each person knows and how he or she makes use of that knowledge.

And that is why I am reaching out to you and other homeowners like you about our Free Solar guide.

Not just another solar guide

As a consumer, you often find yourself at a disadvantage.

Solar sales representatives possess expert-level knowledge.

So, how can you level the playing field?

You could spend your lunch breaks, evenings, and weekends trying to learn all the ins and outs of the solar world.

This would take months.

Six to be exact.

I know, because that’s what I did.

Alternatively, you could invest a few hours of your time in reading my free guide

I created this Free Solar Guide to cut through the drivel to give you the knowledge you need to make an educated choice regarding your home solar unit.

To make all this information easily digestible, I’ve broken the guide into four sections:

5 mistakes to avoid

Don’t make avoidable mistakes – especially when it only takes 10 minutes to learn and understand how to avoid them.

Separating the wheat from the chaff

Solar companies are popping up like daisies to capitalize on the growing demand for solar. How do you know which to choose? We’ve created a tool that does all the grunt work to separate the flowers from the weeds. Just answer 8 simple questions, and we’ll find a reliable solar installer that meets your needs. Hard part, done!

Confidently compare solar quotes

Don’t get fooled by sweet-talking sales reps promising you the world and delivering nothing but problems. Follow the Checklist and learn to negotiate confidently with providers. Avoid getting seduced by their alluring deceptions.

BONUS: Solar savings calculator

You’ve chosen a company. You’ve received an offer. Time to double-check the bottom line. We can help you verify your offer in just 5 minutes. Our analysis model lets you quickly see if your solar system will turn a profit.

I’d like my free solar guide (please!)

The website provided me with just the right amount of information in a highly efficient and educational manner. This allowed me to have meaningful discussions with the providers without the risk of being steamrolled by a salesperson.

Jakob B.

I was pleasently surprised by how good the guide was. It was highly educational, and I felt well taken care of with my questions. This person really knew their stuff.

Lena M.

The guide sparked a lot of thoughts about solar panels. What should I watch out for, how should I think about warranties, etc. It's easier to make the right decisions after reading it.

Håkan K.

Why now?

A lot has happened since 2019.

More than most of us could have ever imagined.

We can’t go back in time.

But, I can say that there hasn’t been a better time since 2019 to install solar.

Energy prices have taken us on a rollercoaster ride these past years.

However, despite temporary ups and downs, the long-term trend is clear:

Graph of increasing power prices

Source: Department for Energy Security and Net Zero

For the last decade, energy prices have seen an average yearly increase of 8.9%.

Still, every time prices dip, people hesitate.

They put off getting solar, sneering at their neighbours and friends who “jumped on the bandwagon.”

Then, prices inevitably climb again.

And those people are left shivering with regret (and lack of proper heating).

People are waiting for the government to come up with a long-term solution to rising energy costs.

But all we’ve seen are short-term fixes, at best.

And each year you wait, you are throwing money out the window.

And into the pockets of energy CEOs.

Instead of enjoying the savings and stability that solar can give from Day 1.

Who am I?

I’m Alex Toresson.

In the past couple of years, I’ve helped thousands of homeowners navigate the jungle that is the solar industry.


Because when I embarked on my own solar journey, it was a nightmare.

I made so many mistakes and lost so much time.

After months of research, I eventually found my way to the right solar system for my home.

And, it has been one of the best investments I’ve ever made.

But the journey to getting my beloved panels left a bad taste in my mouth.

The industry is filled with so much BS that it’s turning people off from installing solar.

So, I decided to create a guide to cut through the BS and give homeowners the information they needed to find the right solar setup for their homes.

Over the next several days, I’m going to tell you the rest of David and Peter's story – full of twists and turns – so you can learn how to avoid their missteps on your own journey to a solar-powered future.

I’ve learned there’s the easy way and the hard way when it comes to installing solar.

Let’s get you started down the right path.

Help me avoid those 5 mistakes!
Alex Toresson